AIU Voices
Life in AIU: Qiujing Liu, Wuhan University, China

Qiujing (front row, right) with her friends in the dorm
It is a blessing to have an opportunity to study in AIU for one semester. Reading the vast resources in the beautiful Nakajima library was truly enjoyable when accompanied by the Akita’s abundant nature and greenery from the windows of the library. During spring, when taking a break from reading, I can admire the beautiful cherry blossom surrounding the campus. Those natural views always make me feel peaceful inside. Other than the natural environment, I made friends with people from different countries and ethnic backgrounds. Getting to hear from different perspectives was indeed an exciting experience. On a relaxed weekend, we hung out a beautiful village close to AIU and barbecued there. We attended the firework festival in Omagari city. We also got to explore some famous place like Kakunodate and Oga together on a bus trip organized by AIU.
The most exciting activities I participate in are Themed House programs and foreign language conversational partner program. There are three kinds of Themed Houses available to applicants in my semester, including Nihongo house, Japanese Culture, and Nature house and Fitness house. Fortunately, I was permitted to live in the Japanese Culture and Nature house. Members of my Themed House came up with many entertaining activities, such as inviting sushi master to teach us how to make sushi, having fun to pet Akita dog, joining Japan International Workshop in Yokote city and so on. With those abundant activities provided, you won’t feel lonely and unsupported to study in a foreign country. Speaking of the foreign language conversational partner program, it offers you with useful resources to learn a foreign language which you are interested in, such as English, Japanese, French, Spanish, etc. You are welcome to contribute by teaching your native language in FLCP program. With the good use of FLCP program, it is definitely the best way not only for developing your language skills but also for getting you to meet more friends here.
All in all, although AIU is a small campus, it offers a unique learning experience and an international environment that allows people from all over the world to form close bonds with one another.

Qiujing on cherry blossoms street behind the campus