

Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Designを受賞しました

PBL_12015年3月27日(金)、米国ニューオーリンズで、第11回Forum on Education Abroad年次総会が開催され、昨年本学と米国ディキンソン・カレッジとが協働開講し、海外教育カリキュラムデザイン優秀賞を受賞した、課題解決型科目「Living Well in Later Life-地域コミュニティと高齢化対策」の授賞式が行われました。式には、ディキンソン・カレッジの担当教員のほか、本学で同科目を担当した熊谷嘉隆教授も出席し、協力関係各者への謝辞を述べました。




You Tube(GSP392:地域コミュニティと高齢化対策)担当教員からのコメント 01 | 02 | 03 |
科目詳細 日本語英語

PBL_1On March 27, 2015, the Conferral Ceremony of the Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design was held at the 11th Annual Forum on Education Abroad (hereinafter referred to as “the Forum”) in New Orleans, U.S.A. The award was granted to the “Living Well in Later Life,” our Japan-U.S. collaborative Project-Based Learning (PBL) program with Dickinson College in Summer of 2014.

In addition to the Dickinson College faculty members, Professor Yoshitaka Kumagai attended the ceremony as the co-instructor of the course and expressed his gratitude to all the collaborators and their commitment to the course.

The Forum, consisting of approximately 700 higher educational institutions and providers from all over the world, grants this award to innovative international education programs of the highest quality. This course was highly valued for its interdisciplinary structure and cross-border implementation.

In this course, sponsored by the “Re-inventing Japan Grant Program” by the Japanese Ministry of Education, the student team of AIU and Dickinson College explored common Japan-U.S. social problems of aging and depopulation from mid-May through mid-July. The team bilaterally conducted a questionnaire and interview surveys for the local residents in Yuri-honjo, Akita and Carlisle, Pennsylvania to grasp the current situation and seek further understanding of the “Quality of Life for the elderly.” At the end of the research in each site, the team organized and offered a final presentation session for the local collaborators for the surveys.

URLs for further information

On You Tube GSP392:Living Well in Later Life/Comments from the instructors of Dickinson College 01 | 02 | 03 |
Course Syllabus

Re-inventing Japan Project by the Japanese Ministry of Education (Japanese only)