文責:金田 絵莉(Japanese Nature & Culture House)
6月4日にはJapanese Nature & Culture Houseが日本の伝統的で健康な食文化を学ぶため、増田町の「旬菜みそ茶屋くらを」店主の鈴木さんを講師にお招きし、味噌汁についての知識を学んだあと、味噌玉作りにチャレンジしました。
Miso Dama Workshop
Suzuki-sensei first gave us a heartwarming presentation about the wonders of Miso. We briefly learned about its history as well as it’s functions within the standard Japanese meal, where there is no focus on a “main” dish and has multiple different “side” dishes.
After the presentation, she described the many different ingredients we had before us on the table and taught us how to make the most delicious miso dama. We were then able to make our own dama and “decorated” it with many different ingredients like mushrooms, seaweed, dried daikon, and many other things which she described as the ingredients of the sea and of the mountain. Lastly, we took a commemorative photo together with Suzuki-sensei.
We all had a great time as we were laughing and making miso dama together. Overall a great experience and some I would recommend everyone to do if they have the chance!文責:テオドール・マグナス・ビヨルクフォルス(Theodor Magnus BJOERKEFORS , Japanese Nature & Culture House)
6月9日にはFitness Houseの学生がWSR公認三輪ジム所属 現役プロキックボクサーの渡邊一由さんを講師にお招きし、恒例のボクササイズを行いました。
Boxercise is a combination of boxing and exercise, but it is much safer than boxing. It just uses boxing movements and equipment.
Same as last year, we had Watanabe-san, a professional kick-boxer who owns a gym in Akita city, as a coach.
We learned a basic posture, and how to properly punch and kick. We even did a combination of them using professional gear!! For some students, it was a little bit difficult, but Watanabe-san taught us very well, so everyone could enjoy.
It was a great opportunity to release stress from all the exams and assignments!! We are looking forward to hold it again sometime soon.文責:大谷ベイリー咲彩(Saaya OTANIBAILLIE, member of the Fitness House)