Successive Presidents
Dr. Mineo NAKAJIMA, First President

Profile (1936 – 2013)
1936 | Born in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture |
1960 | B.A., China Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
1965 | M.A., International Relations, The University of Tokyo |
1977 | Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
1980 | Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Tokyo |
1995 – 2001 | President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
1998 – 2001 | Vice President of The Japan Association of National Universities |
1998 – 2006 | First Secretary General of the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) |
2000 – 2006 | President of Inter-University Seminar House |
2001 – 2007 | Member of the Central Council for Educaiton, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Chairperson of the Graduate School Section and General Manager of Foreign Languages Section) |
2004 – 2013 | President (Chair of the Board), Akita International University |
2006 – 2008 | Member of Cabinet Education Rebuilding Council |
2008 – 2013 | President of Talent Education Research Institute |
Visiting professor, successively at The Australian National University, Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), and The University of California, San Diego. |
- Gendai Chuugokuron (On Contemporary China: Ideology and Politics, Aoki Shoten, 1964)
- Pekin Retsu Retsu (Beijing in Flux, Chikuma Shobo, 1981)
- Kokusai Kankei Ron (International Relations, Chuko Shinsho, 1992)
- 21-seiki no Daigaku (Universities in the 21st Century, Ronsosha, 2004)
- Zenkyu Kyoiku Ron (On Global Education, Nishimura Shoten, 2010)
- Naze Kokusaikyoyodaigaku de Jinzai wa Sodatsuno ka (How are global individuals cultivated at AIU?, Shodensha, 2010)
- Sekai ni Tsuyosuru Kodomo no Sodatekata (How to Educate World-class Children, FOREST Publishing, 2011)
- Nihonjin no kyoyo (Cultural Literacy of the Japanese, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2011)
- Gakureki Kakumei (Revolution of the University Brand, KK Bestsellers, 2012)
among others.
Honors and Awards
- The Suntory Academic Prize for Pekin Retsu Retsu (Beijing in Flux, Chikuma Shobo, 1981)
- The 19th Seiron Grand Prize of Fuji & Sankei Group
- The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star
- Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), Japan Court Rank
- Akita-Ken Bunkakorosha (Cultural Contributor of Akita Prefecture)
- AIU Library was renamed “Nakajima Library” in 2014, in memory of his great contribution to the university’s foundation and progress.
Dr. Norihiko Suzuki, Second President

Norihiko SUZUKI, DBA
1945 | Born in Kuroiso Machi, Nasu Gun (Currently Nasu Shiobara City), Tochigi Prefecture |
1968 | B.A., Economics, Hitotsubashi University |
1972 | M.A., Economics, Hitotsubashi University |
1978 | D.B.A., Indiana University |
1978 – 1982 | Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Washington State University |
1982 – 1986 | Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1986 – 1990 | Associate Professor, International Christian University |
1990 – 2012 | Professor, International Christian University |
1991 – 1992 | Visiting Professor, University of Washington |
2000 – 2004 | Vice-President for Academic Affairs, International Christian University |
2004 – 2012 | President, International Christian University |
2010 – 2012 | President, The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia |
2012 – 2013 | Senior Managing Director, Japan University Accreditation Association |
2013 – May, 2021 | President (Chair of the Board), Akita International University |
- Takokuseki Kigyou Keieiron (Management of Multinational Enterprises, Dobunkan, 1988)
- Winner of the 1988 Management Science Literature Award, Kokusai Marketing (International Marketing, Dobunkan, 1989)
- Kigyousenryaku to Kokusaikankeiron (Corporate Strategy and International Relations, Yuhikaku, 1995)
- Takokuseki Kigyou to Kokusai Kankei no Tougou Riron (The Multinational Business and International Relations -Toward the Integrated Theory Building-, Kokusai Shoin, 1997)
- Kokusai Keiei Seijigaku (The Global Corporate Politics, Bunshindo, 2000)
- Global Kyoikuzai Ido Riron (Global Transfer Theory of Education Products, Bunshindo, 2014)
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Academy of Management Journal
- International Management Review
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Management
- The Columbia Journal of World Business
among others.