【Announcement】 Online Class Observation for Graduate School
Graduate School will hold an Online Class Observation for the public. We would like you to experience classes based on “Bridging theory and practice” by observing the actual classes conducted for AIU graduate students online (Zoom). We are now accepting applications, so if you are considering to apply to the graduate school, this will be a great opportunity to gather more information.
English Learning Teaching Practices program (ELT), Japanese Learning Teaching Practices program (JLT) and Global Communication Practices program (GCP) will conduct the classes as follows. Please note that the classes of ELT and GCP are conducted in English, and the classes of JLT are conducted in Japanese.
【ELT】 Class①
Course Title | [ELT660] Introduction to Research Methods ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | Clay WILLIAMS |
Course Description | This course serves as an introduction to conducting and understanding first person research. We will be studying both the considerations and the mechanics of experimental design and execution, with heavy emphasis on how to interpret experimental findings. |
Capacity | 6 |
【ELT】 Class②
Course Title | [ELT606] Teaching EFL Speaking and Listening ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Friday, November 4, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | Hiroki UCHIDA |
Course Description | This course discusses the ways to improve the learners’ oral skills. Feel free to join the group discussion. You will enjoy the friendly atmosphere of this class. |
Capacity | No Limit |
【ELT】 Class③
Course Title | [ELT600] Introduction to Foreign Language Acquisition ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 2:00pm-5:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | Christopher Carl HALE |
Course Description | This course is designed as an introduction to the field of applied linguistics, with an emphasis on how first and second languages are learned, and how this understanding informs teaching practices. Students gain an understanding of the historical development of language acquisition theories and how they lead to modern hypotheses on language learning, and what this means for the pedagogical decisions teachers make. |
Capacity | 20 |
【JLT】 Class① ※Conducted in Japanese
Course Title | [JLT601] 日本語教育初級文法1 ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | 堀内 仁 (HORIUCHI Hitoshi) |
Course Description | 外国語・第二言語としての日本語教育・学習の初級段階で必要とされる文法について、個々の文法項目の文法特性及びその教授上のポイントをおさえ、それらを踏まえた実際の指導法を検討する。 |
Capacity | 制限なし |
【JLT】 Class② ※Conducted in Japanese
Course Title | [JLT616] 日本語教育学概論 ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | 伊東 祐郎 (ITO Sukero) |
Course Description | グローバル化の進展による、日本語学習者の多様化、日本語教育の拡大化などを踏まえ、高度な専門性を有する日本語教師に求められる資質と能力、及び態度の獲得を目指した講義と演習。 |
Capacity | 8 |
【GCP】 Class①
Course Title | [GCP642] Introduction to International Public Relations ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm (JST |
Instructor | Hyuk Jun CHEONG |
Course Description | Public relations (PR) refers to corporations’ strategic communication process to build and sustain relationships with customers and prospects to promote awareness and sales of their brands and products. In this class, students will learn theories and principles of PR, and acquire practical knowledge of its elements (e.g., media relations, press release, risk management, crisis communication, non-profit PR, government PR, etc.). Students will also learn other forms of marketing communications such as advertising, product placement, event sponsorship, digital marketing to experience a more holistic picture of public relations. |
Capacity | 10 |
【GCP】 Class②
Course Title | [GCP643] Introduction to International Journalism ※ The application for class is closed |
Date &Time | Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 2:00pm-5:00pm (JST) |
Instructor | Miki TANIKAWA |
Course Description | This course is designed to introduce students to the practice of journalism operating between two or more cultures and writing in a language (English) other than the language(s) spoken in the field where reporting is conducted. In this class, students will learn the principle of journalism as well as learn how to write a feature article. Thus one major assignment in the class is go and report and write an article |
Capacity | 10 |
How to Apply
If you would like to participate in this events, please complete this online form by at least 3 days before the class (excluding weekends and holidays). Please note that application will be accepted on first-come, first- served basis.
We will send the Zoom URL to your email address that you registered in the online form by 2 days before the date of the class.